Welcome to SEA-TUG

Systems Engineering and Administration Technology User Group
Providing "Technology On Tap" to the local IT Community since 2001


Our next event is scheduled for MARCH 20, 2024 at 6:00pm

Please see Meetup.com/sea-tug for the most current meeting info

In general all meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 6pm. We are now meeting quarterly.

Wednesday April 27th, 2022 - 5:30pm

*knock-knock* - anyone still out there?

Hey SEA-TUGians. The groundhog saw his shadow and declared that Covid is officially over.

It's time to get back to normal. I'll come out and say it - online meetings sucked. Yes, it was great that people from out of town could participate, but most of the time cameras were off and microphones were muted.

Besides, one of the goals of SEA-TUG is to provide a forum for old-school social networking. This online thing is just a phase... it won't last.

So, who's up for some LSD: learnin', socializin', and good ol' fashioned in-person discussion?

The SEA-TUG steering committee has been kicking around ideas for a path forward - here's what we've cooked up:

- Quarterly meetings (not monthly) - held the last Wed of Jan/April/July/Oct
- Meeting space with table service as opposed to pizza and water
- More interactive meetings instead of classroom-style vendor presentations

We can still invite and encourage more traditional presenters, but historically our "best" meetings have been ones where there's a lot of participation or a hands-on component. We've always strived to make the presentations educational, useful, and provide something you can use practically.

The first trio of topics we have planned:
- How has the Russia/Ukraine situation changed your security posture
- What new tools/products have you started using in the last 2 years
- What issue(s) are you struggling to solve right now

Please RSVP with a yes OR a no, so we if know you're interested!  You can RSVP at http://meetup.com/sea-tug 


Founded in 2001, SEA-TUG is a technical user group (ie: for System Administrators, Network Engineers, IT Consultants, etc., not home users) meeting once a month on topics relating to IT Infrastructure, Hardware, Software, Security, Infrastructure, SANs, IP Telephony, etc. There is no cost to attend Sea-Tug meetings.

We follow the popular User-Group format: technical presentation followed by discussion or Q&A, but our most successful meetings are more interactive. We strive to provide educational information and information sharing with local peers. With over 400 local IT pros on our mailing list, SEA-TUG is a great opportunity for local networking with other IT Pros.

We've added a discussion board!

To promote hyper-local networking and user-to-user support, we've created our own private sub-reddit! Create your own (free) Reddit account and then request access to http://reddit.com/r/seatug

The mailing list has been discontinued.

All meeting announcements will be made via MeetUp.

Find us at Meetup

You can also join us at LinkedIn, but the official meeting announcements will be handled via Meetup.

Please reach out if you have any input or interest in participating in organizing the future of SEA-TUG!
